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2017/01/11 09:16:10人浏览

廖端芳,博士、教授、博士生导师。1985年毕业于原衡阳医学院(现南华大学)医疗系获医学学士学位;1989年获原湖南医科大学(现中南大学湘雅医学院)医学硕士学位;2001年获中山大学中山医学院博士学位。曾先后3次赴美国华盛顿大学、加拿大哥伦比亚大学、美国罗切斯特大学进修。历任衡阳医学院副院长、南华大学副校长兼药物药理研究所所长、suncitygroup太阳集团校长等职。现任“湘产大宗药材品质评价”湖南省重点实验室主任、“中药粉体与创新药物”部省共建国家重点实验室副主任。为药学湖南省重点学科带头人,国务院特殊津贴获得者(1994),湖南省121人才工程第一层人选,湖南省优秀留学归国人员,全国优秀科技工作者。兼任<<Current Traditional Medicine>>主编,<<中国动脉硬化杂志>>副主编;国际动脉粥样硬化学会中国分会副理事长,世界中医药联合会中药专业委员会副理事长,中华中医药学会实验药理学会副理事长,湖南省侨联特聘专家委员会副主任,国家自然科学基金会议评审组专家,国家青年千人项目会议评审专家。长期致力于血管生物学与动脉粥样硬化的发病机制研究和中药生物效应与品质评价。先后主持国家自然科学基金课题9项,主持教育部、卫生部、湖南省自然基金、湖南省重大、重点项目、863子项目等近50项,参加国家973项目2项。在《Circ Res》、《J Biol Chem》、《Oncotarget》、《Clinic Cancer Res》、Scientific Reports》、《Int J Cancer》、《PloS One》、《Atherosclerosis》和《Acta Pharmacol Sin》等国内、外知名期刊发表论文300余篇,其中被SCI收录160余篇。先后获国家教委科技进步一等奖1项,教育部自然科学二等奖1项,省科技进步二等奖2项、三等奖6项;获国家级教学成果二等奖1项、省级教学成果一等奖、二等奖各2项、三等奖4项;申请发明专利15项。主编、参编教材、专著20余部。


1. 廖端芳,等. OFR对内皮细胞表达sis基因和修饰LDL的介导作用与防治.国家自然科学基金青年基金(39200151), 1993~1996。

2. 廖端芳,等. Caveolin介导丙丁酚抗动脉粥样硬化PTA术后再狭窄作用.国家自然科学基金(39970847),1999.12-2003.12

3. 廖端芳,等. Cyclophilin A调控VSMC胆固醇转运的分子机制与丙丁酚干预。国家自然科学基金(30171084), 2002.1-2004.12

4. 廖端芳,等. Daxx在ox-LDL诱导巨噬细胞凋亡中的作用及分子机制。国家自然科学基金基金(30470719),2005-2007

5. 廖端芳。小凹蛋白-1参与荷脂细胞胆固醇跨膜转运的方向差异性研究。国家自然科学基金基金(30770868),2008-2010

6. 廖端芳。Insigs与SCAP/SREBP失平衡在高糖高胰岛素诱导巨噬细胞胆固醇蓄积中的作用及机制。国家自然科学基金基金(30971170)2010-2012.35万

7. 廖端芳。蛋白质磷酸化状态调节荷脂细胞胆固醇跨膜转运方向的分子机制及姜黄素的作用。国家自然科学基金基金(81173047)2011-2013。62万

8. 廖端芳。Caveolin-1介导多能血管干细胞向增殖型血管平滑肌细胞分化的调节作用及机制。国家自然科学基金基金(31371161), 2014-2017,经费76万(在研)

9. 廖端芳。AKR1C3介导炎性内皮微粒靶向调节血管间质干细胞分化在血管重构中的作用及机制。国家自然科学基金(81670268)2017-2020. 57万(在研)

10.廖端芳,Effects of ACE Inhibitors and Probucol on Expression of ELAM-1 and VCAM-1 of Endothelial Cells Mediated by Ox-LDL.日本心血管研究基金会国际青年基金, 1994~1997.

11.廖端芳,等.金粉蕨素防治PTA术后平滑肌增生及其细胞周期调控机制.国家卫生部科学研究基金(981345). 98.12-2000.12





16.廖端芳,等. Rapamycin靶向纳米控释系统的构建及在防治PTCA术后再狭窄中的应用。湖南省科技厅社会发展重大项目(01SSY200904),2000.10-2003.10, 95万









1. 陈修,刘立英,李凯,皮修军,廖端芳.血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂的心血管作用研究.国家教委科技进步一等奖(证书号92-06705)(1993年).

2. 廖端芳,李元建,秦旭平,黄红林,朱炳阳,庹勤慧。氧化应激介导血管重构的信号通路研究。湖南省科技进步二等奖(2005)(2005230111-2-01)

3. 李元建,胡长平,邓盘月,秦旭平,廖端芳,罗丹,李岱,邓汉武,谭桂山。降钙素基因相关肽与高血压及吴茱萸次碱降压作用。教育部自然科学二等奖。2006(证书号360-06-11620407-05)

4. 廖端芳,李元建,江俊麟,杨云波,郭玉,雷小勇,苏波,刘革修,李立新。普罗布考抑制血管重构的分子机制研究。湖南省科技进步二等奖(2008) (2008310097-2-01)

5. 余麟,廖端芳,陈剑雄,罗其富,肖观莲.改革实验室建设和管理模式,拓宽和强化实验室职能. 湖南省教委优秀教学成果一等奖(1992年);国家级教学成果二等奖(证书号2702) (1993年).


1. 廖端芳,郑兴,黄红林。金粉蕨素在制备治疗或预防心血管疾病药物中的应用。中国专利申请号02113958.X

2. 廖端芳,郑兴,朱炳阳。新的含烟酸异黄酮酯衍生物及其制造方法和用途。中国专利号ZL 200610166028.8

3. 廖端芳,郑兴,庹勤慧,朱炳阳。含烟酸姜黄酯衍生物的制造方法和用途。中国专利号ZL200910042665.8

4. 廖端芳,郑兴,彭东明,朱炳阳。一类含姜黄素乙酰水杨酸酯衍生物、制造方法及用途。中国专利申请号201210101094.2

5. 廖端芳,郑兴,李荣东、庹勤慧。一类含烟酸、乙酰水杨酸姜黄素酯衍生物制造方法及其用途。中国专利申请号2012210365392.2


1. 廖端芳、唐朝克主编。《胆固醇逆向转运――基础与临床》,科学出版社,2009年

2. 廖端芳、姚继红主编。《临床药物治疗学》,科学出版社,2009年。

3. 廖端芳主编。《药理学》(第二版),人民卫生出版社,2012年。

4. 廖端芳、周玖瑶主编。《药理学》(第三版),人民卫生出版社,2016年。

5. 廖端芳、罗其富主编。《临床常用药物拾遗》,吉林科学技术出版社2008。

6. 段功香主编廖端芳主审。<<护理学基础――基本知识和技能(英文版)>>科学出版社,2004年。

7. 贾德江,刘明东主编,廖端芳主审。<<医学英语读写译教程>>中南大学出版社,2005年,第一版


1. Liao DF, et al. Prostacyclin mediated protection by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors against injury of aortic endothelium by free radicals.Cardioscience1992;3(2):79-84.

2. Liao DF, Chen JX, Yu L, et al. Effects of gypenosides on mouse splenic lymphocyte transformation and DNA polymeraseⅡactivity in vitro.Acta Pharmacol Sin1995;322-324.

3. Liao DF, Monia B, Dean N, Berk BC. Protein kinase C-ζmediates angiotensinⅡactivation of ERK1/2 in vascular smooth muscle cells.J Biol Chem1997; 272: 6146-6150.(IF=7.385)

4. Liao DF, Duff JL, Daum G, Pelech SL, Berk BC. AngiotensionⅡstimulates MAP kinase kinase kinase activity in

vascular smooth muscle cell. Role of Raf.Circ Res1996; 79(5):1007-1014(IF=8.002)

5. Liao DF, Jin ZG, Baas AS Daum G, Gygi SP, Aebersold R, Berk BC.Purification and identification of secreted oxidative stress-induced factors from vascular smooth muscle cells.J Biol Chem2000; 275(1): 189-196 (IF=7.199)

6. Xu YJ, Ouk Kim S,Liao DF, Katz S, Pelech SL. Stimulation of 90- and 70-kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinases by arginine vasopressin and lysophosphatidic acid in rat cardiomyocytes.Biochem Pharmacol2000; 59(9): 1163-1171(IF=4.612)

7. Liu GX, Ou DM, Li LX, Chen LX, Huang HL,Liao DF*, Tang CS. Probucol inhibits oxidized-low density lipoprotein- induced adhesion of monocytes to Endothelial cells in vitro.Acta Pharmacol Sin 2002;23(6): 516-522

8. Yan FX, Yamamoto S, Zhou HP, Tai HH,Liao DF*. Serine 331 is major site of phosphorylation and desensitization induced by protein kinase C in thromboxane receptor.Acta Pharmacol Sin2002;23(10): 952-960.

9. Jing ZG, Melaragno MG,Liao DF, Yan C, Haendeler J, Suh YA, Lambeth JD, Berk BC. Cycrophilin A is a secreted growth factor induced by oxidative stress.Circ Res2000; 87(9): 789-796(IF=8.012)

10. Zhang J,Liao D(F), Zhang X, Li K. Different application of polymerases with and without proofreading function in SNP analysis.Lab Invest2003;83(8): 1147-1154(IF=4.418)

11. Yin W#,Liao D(F)#, Wang Z, Xi S, Tsutssumi K, Koike T, Fan J, Yi G, Zhang Q,Yuan Z, Tang C. No-1886 inhibits size of adipocytes, suppresses plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor-a and free fatty acids, improves glucose metabolism in high-fat/high-sucrose-fed miniature pigs.Pharmacol Res2004; 49(3):199-206

12. Yin W#,Liao D(F)#, Kusunoki M, Xi S, Tsutssumi K, Wang Z, Lian X, Koike T, Fan J,Yang Y, Tang C. No-1886 decreases ectopic lipids deposition and protects pancreatic cell in diet-induced diabetic swine.J Endocrinnology2004;180(3): 399-407 (IF=3.319)

13. Tuo QH, Wang C,Yan FX, Zhu BY,Liao DF*. Protective Effects of Onychin on Vascualar Endothelial Cells from Oxidative Stress-Induced Apoptosis through MAPK Pathway.Life Sci2004; 76(5): 487-497.(IF=2.158)

14. Yang M, Huang HL, Zhu BY, Tuo QHLiao DF*. Onychin inhibits proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells by regulating cell cycle.Acta Pharmacol Sin 2005;26(2):205-211.

15. Yang HL,Jiang HJ,Fang WY, Jiang Y, Zhang J, Li K,Liao DF*, He FC. High fidelity PCR with an off/on switch

mediated by proofreading polymerases combining with phosphorothioate modified primer.Biochem Biophys Res Com2005; 238:265-272.(IF=2.851)  

16. Liao DF, Chen LL, Peng CY, Zhang J, Li K. Exo+ proofreading polymerases mediate genetic analysis and its application in biomedical studies.Acta Pharmacol Sin2005; 26(3):302-306.

17. Jiang P, Yan PK, Zhu BY, Lei XY, Yin WD,Liao DF*. HDL3inhibit Ox-LDL-induced apoptosis by promoting Cholesterol efflux in RAW264.7 cells.Acta Pharmacol Sin2006; 27(2):151-157

18. Cai M, Yin W, Li Q,Liao D(F)*. Li Q, Tsutsumi K, Hou H, Liu Y, Zhang C, Li J, Wang Z, Xiao J. Effects of NO-1886 on inflammation-associated cytokines in high-fat/high-sucrose/high- cholesterol diet-fed miniature pigs.Eur J Pharmacol2006; 540: 139-146 (IF=2.477)

19. Zhang C,Yin W,Liao D(F)#,Huang L,Tang C,Tsutsumi K,Wang Z,Liu Y,Li Q,Hou H,Cai M,Xiao J. NO-1886 suppressing atherosclerosis in high-fat/ high-sucrose/ high-cholesterol fed Bama minipigs is related to upregulating ATP-binding Cassette Transporter A1.J Lipid Res.2006; 47(9): 2055-63(IF=4.357)

20. Zu XY,Yan RL,Robbins S, Krishack P,Liao DF, Cao DL. Reduced 293T Cell Susceptibility to Acrolein due to Aldose Reductase-Like-1 Protein Expression.Toxicol Sci2007; 97(2): 562-568 (IF3.088)

21. Yang YB, Yang YX, Tang YL, Zhu BY, Hu ZW, Li YJ,Liao DF*. Probucol mediates vascular remodeling after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty via down-regulating ERK1/2 signal transduction pathway.Eur J Pharmacol2007; 570(1-3):125-134.(IF=2.522)

22. Liu DH, Yuan HY, Cao CY, Gao ZP, Zhu BY, Huang HL,Liao DF*. Heat shock protein 90 acts as a molecular chaperone in late-phase activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 stimulated by oxidative stress in vascular smooth muscle cells.Acta Pharmacol Sin2007; 28(12):1907-13.

23. Ma J,Yan R,Zu X,Cheng JM,Rao K,Liao DF,Cao D. Aldo-keto reductase family 1 B10 affects fatty acid synthesis by regulating the stability of acetyl-coa carboxylase-alpha in breast cancer cells.J Biol Chem.2008 ;283(6):3418-3423(IF=5.520)

24. Li F, Li LF, Qin XP, Pan WN, Feng F, Chen F, Zhu BY,Liao DF, Chen LX. Apelin-induced vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation: the regulation of cyclin D1.Front Biosci2008, 13: 3786-3792(IF=3.308

25. Yuan HY, Kuang SY, Zheng X, Ling HY, Yang YB, Yan PK, Li K,Liao DF*.Curcumin Inhibites Cellular Cholesterol Accumulation by Regulating SREBP-1/Caveolin-1 Signal Pathway in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells.Acta Pharmacol Sin2008;29(5):555-63

26. Tuo QH, Zeng H, Yu HD, Stinnett A, Ascher JL,Liao DF, Chen JX. Critical role of angiopoietins/Tie-2 in hyperglycemic exacerbation of myocardial infarction and impaired angiogenesis.Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2008;294(6): H2547-2557(IF= 3.643)

27. Qin L, Zhang X, Feng Y, Weng GX, Li MZ, Kong QL, Qian CN, Zeng YX, Zeng MS,Liao DF*, Song LB. Downregulation of BMI-1 Enhances 5-Fluorouracil-Induced Apoptosis in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells.Biochem Biophys Res Com2008;371(3):531-535. (IF=2.648)

28. Ling HY, Hu B, Feng SD,Liao DF*.Effects of rosiglitazone on the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cell induced by high glucose.Cardiovasc Drug Ther2008;22(6):453-60.(IF=2.515)

29. Hao X, Cao D, Hu Y, Li X, Liu X, Xiao J,Liao DF, Xiang J, Tang C. IFN-gamma down-regulates ABCA1 expression by inhibiting LXRalpha in a JAK/STAT signaling pathway-dependent manner.Atherosclerosis2009;203(2):417-28(IF=4.522)

30. Hu YW, Ma X, Li XX, Liu XH, Xiao J, Mo ZC, Yin K,Xiang J,Liao DF, Tang CK. Eicosapentaenoic acid reduces ABCA1 serine phosphorylation and impairs ABCA1-dependent cholesterol efflux through cyclic AMP/protein kinase A signaling pathway in THP-1 macrophage-derived foam cells.Atherosclerosis2009;204(2):e35-43. (IF=4.522)

31. Qin L, Yang YB, Tuo QH, Zhu BY, Chen LX, Zhang L,Liao DF*.Effects and underlying mechanisms of curcumin on the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cell induced by Chol:MßCD.Biochem Biophys Res Com2009;379: 277-282 (IF=2.548)

32. She M, Deng X, Guo Z, Laudon M, Hu Z,Liao D(F), Hu X, Shen Q, Su Z, Yin W.NEU-P11, a novel melatonin agonist, inhibits weight gain and improves insulin sensitivity in high-fat/high-sucrose-fed rats.Pharmacol Res. 2009; 59(4):248-53(IF=3.923

33. Zhu Q,Shan X,Miao H,Lu Y,Xu J,You N,Liu C,Liao DF,Jin J. Acute activation of acid ceramidase affects cytokine-induced cytotoxicity in rat islet beta-cells.FEBS Lett.2009;583(12):2136-41(IF=3.601

34. Wang C, Yan R, Luo D, Watabe K,Liao DF,Cao D.Aldo-ketoreductase family 1 member B10 promotes cell survival by regulating lipidsynthesis and eliminating carbonyls.J Biol Chem.2009; 284(39):26742-8(IF=5.328)  

35. Wang C, Rajput S, Watabe K,Liao DF, Cao D.Acetyl-CoAcarboxylase-a as a novel target for cancer therapy.Front Biosci. 2010;2:515-26(IF=4-048  

36. Luo DX, Cheng J, Xiong X, Li J, Xia C, Xu C, Wang C, Zhu B, Hu Z,Liao DF*.Static Pressure Drives Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells via Caveolin-1/ERK1/2 Pathway.Biochem Bioph Res Commun. 2010;391(4):1693-7 (IF=2.595)

37. Xu CX, Krager SL,Liao DF, Tischkau SA.Disruption of Clock/BMAL1 Transcriptional Activity is Responsible for Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Mediated Regulation of Period1 GeneMol Pharmacol2010; 115(1):98-108.IF=4.725

38. Luo DX, Cheng J, Xiong X, Li J, Xia C, Xu C, Wang C, Zhu B, Hu Z,Liao DF*. Static Pressure Drives Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells via Caveolin-1/ERK1/2 Pathway.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010;391(4):1693-7 (IF=2.595)

39. Yin K,Liao DF, Tang C. ABCA1: A Possible Link Between Inflammation And Reverse Cholesterol Transport.Molecular Medicine2010;16:438-449(IF=5.908

40. Luo DX, Cao D, Xiong Y,Liao DF*. A Novel Model of Cholesterol Efflux from Lipid-loaded Cells.Acta Pharmacol Sin.2010;31:1243-1257

41. Ling HY, Wen GB, Feng SD, Tuo QH, Ou HS, Yao CH,Zhu BY, Gao ZP, Zhang L,Liao DF*. MicroRNA-375 promotes 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation through modulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase signalling.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.2011; 38, 239-246

42. Tuo QH, Xiong GZ, Zeng H, Sun SW, Ling HY, Zhu BY,Liao DF*, Chen JX. Angiopoietin-1 protects myocardial endothelial cell function blunted by angiopoietin-2 and high glucose conditions.Acta Pharmacol Sin.2011;32: 45-51

43. Luo DX, Huang MC, Ma J, Gao Z,Liao DF,Cao D. Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 B10 Protein Is Secreted through a

Lysosome-Mediated Nonclassical Pathway.Biochem J.2011; 438(1):71-80.(IF=4.897

44. Wang C, Xu CX,Krager SL,Bottum KM,Liao DF,Tischkau SA.Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Deficiency Enhances Insulin Sensitivity and Reduces PPAR-α Pathway Activity in Mice.Environ Health Perspect.2011;19():1739-1744 (IF=7.036)

45. Ling HY, Hu B, Hu XB, Zhong J, Feng S, Qin L, Liu G, Wen G,Liao DF*.MiRNA-21 reverses high glucose and high insulin induced insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes through targeting phosphatase and tensin homologue.Exp Clin Endocr Diab2012,120:553-559

46. Ma J,Luo DX, Huang C, Shen Y, Bu Y, Markwell S, Gao J, Liu J, Zu X, Cao Z, Gao Z, Lu F,Liao DF*, Cao D*.AKR1B10 overexpression inbreast cancer: association with tumor size, lymph node metastasis and patientsurvival and its potential as a novel serum marker.Int J Cancer. 2012; 131(6):E862-71(IF=6.198)  

47. Cao D,Liao DF.Author's reply to:AKR1B10 and its emerging role in tumor carcinogenesis and as a cancer

biomarker.Int J Cancer. 2013,132(2):496-7(IF=6.198)

48. Luo DX, Bu Y, Ma J, Rajput S, He Y, Cai G,Liao DF*, Cao D*. Heat Shock Protein 90-_ Mediates Aldo-Keto Reductase 1B10(AKR1B10) Protein Secretion through Secretory Lysosomes..J Biol Chem2013; 288: 36733-36740. (IF=4.600)

49. He YC, Zhou FL, Shen Y,Liao DF*, Cao D*. Apoptotic death of cancer stem cells for cancer therapy.Int J Mol Sci2014;15: 8335-8351;(IF=2.339)  

50. Qin L, Yang YB, Yang YX, Zhu N, Gong YZ, Li SX,Liao DF*.Ezetimibe suppresses cholesterol accumulation in lipid-loadedvascular smooth muscle cells in vitro via MAPK signaling.Acta Pharmacol Sin2014;35(9):1129-36 (IF=2.496)

51. Qin L, Hu R, Zhu N, Yao HL,Lei XY,Li SX,Liao DF*, Zheng XL. The Novel Role and Underlying Mechanism of Wnt5a in Regulating Cellular Cholesterol Accumulation.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.2014;41(9):671-8 (IF=2.16)

52. Zhu Q, Kang J, Miao H, Feng Y, Xiao L, Hu Z,Liao DF, Huang Y, Jin J,He S.Low-dosecytokine-induced neutral ceramidase secretion from INS-1 cells via exosomes andits anti-apoptotic effect.FEBS J. 2014; 281(12):2861-70 (IF=3.986)  

53. Qin L, Yang YB, Yang YX, Gong YZ, Luo HD, Xie XJ, Li XL, Li GY,Liao DF*,Zheng XL. Inhibition of Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation by Ezetimibe via Cyclin D1-MAPK pathway.J Pharmacol Sci. 2014;125(3):283-91(IF=2.114)

54. Tang X, Gong YZ, Wu P,Liao DF*, Zheng XL.Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Microparticles: A Promising Therapeutic Strategy.Int J Mol Sci2014, 15: 14348-14363(IF=2.339)

55. Gu HF, Nie YX, Tong QZ, Tang YL, Zeng Y, Jing KQ, Zheng XL,Liao DF*.Epigallocatechin-3-gallateattenuates impairment of learning and memory in chronic unpredictable mildstress-treated rats by restoring hippocampal autophagic flux.PLoS One.2014 Nov 13;9(11):e112683.(IF=3.534)  

56. Xu CX, Wang C, Zhang ZM, Jaeger CD, Krager SL, Bottum KM, Liu J,Liao DF, Tischkau SA.Aryl hydrocarbon receptor deficiencyprotects mice from diet-induced adiposity and metabolic disorders through increasedenergy expenditure.Int J Obes(Lond).2015;39(8):1300-9(IF=5.337

57. Yi Shen, Jun Ma, Ruilan Yan, Hongyan Ling, Xiaoning Li, Wancai Yang, John Gao,Chenfei Huang, Yiwen Bu, Yu Cao, Yingchun He, Laxiang Wan, Xuyu zu, hua Liu,Mei Chris Huang, William Stenson,Duan-Fang Liao*, and Deliang Cao*.Impaired Self-Renewal and Increased Colitis and Dysplastic Lesions in Colonic Mucosa of AKR1B8 Deficient Mice.Clinical Cancer Research2015;21(6):1466-76.(IF=8.193)

58. Qin L, Yin YT, Zheng FJ, Peng LX, Yang CF, Bao YN, Liang YY, Li XJ, Xiang YQ, Sun R, Li AH, Zou RH, Pei XQ, Huang BJ, Kang TB,Liao DF, Zeng YX, Williams BO, Qian CN.WNT5A promotes stemnesscharacteristics in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells leading to metastasis andtumorigenesis.Oncotarget. 2015;6(12):10239-52.(IF=6.627)  

59. Shen Y,Liao DF,Cao D.AKR1B10 ingastrointestinal diseases.Aging-US(Albany NY).2015 Apr;7(4):221-2 (IF=6.432)

60. Qin L, Yang YB, Yang YX, Zhu N, Liu Z, Ni YG, Li SX, Zheng XL,Liao DF*. Inhibition of Macrophage-Derived Foam Cell Formation by Ezetimibe via the Caveolin-1/MAPK Pathway.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.2016;43, 182–192(IF=2.004)

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